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Infographic: 7 Types of Authority Content
Authority content is any content designed to position a person or a business as the ultimate authority in their niche. To be regarded as an authority is a privilege that every business owner should welcome, for it signifies they are not just some run-of-the-mill business. To be regarded as an authority means that when one speaks others listen. It means that whatever advice you might give on a professional level stands above the advice that an average practitioner of your profession might give. To be regarded as an authority means that you have spent a great deal of time managing the ins and outs of your profession and have ascertained a certain level of proficiency that commands the respect of your professional colleagues as well as potential prospects.
If you think about a person who is considered an authority in their profession, you might find that all authorities, no matter what niche they serve, have a few things in common. These include:
- A demonstrated skill or proficiency
- A track record of success
- Professional certifications or degrees
- Time recorded exercising the rudiments of their profession
- The respect of peers within the profession
- Can speak on a topic and demonstrate trust based on evidence that backs up their claims
- A group of followers who hang on their every word
While a recognized authority might not have all of these going in their favor, they should certainly have most of them. As a freelance writer who has been writing online content for over a decade, I have put together a list of essential tools for anyone in any technology field who wants to be considered an authority. Here are seven ways to position yourself an authority in your field no matter who you are:
Build a website – In 2019, if you don’t have a website, you won’t exist in most people’s minds. People searching for information almost always start with Google. You want your name or brand to appear in Google associated with the terms of your profession. While that alone won’t make you an authority, it is a good place to start.
- Start a blog – Blog marketing has become an essential element of online content marketing. If you want to be known as an authority, one of the best ways is to regularly and consistently share thought leadership articles on your blog that demonstrate a deep understanding and knowledge of the issues affecting your profession. You should also demonstrate that you understand your customers’ problems and be able to solve them.
- Write and publish articles – When I say “write and publish articles,” I mean get your thought leadership articles published in as many places as you can, places other than your website and blog. That includes third-party websites that serve your niche, print publications, trade journals, and other publishing channels that allow you to demonstrate your knowledge of your profession to your peers and potential clients. Lawyers may write articles for law journals or guest post on other lawyer websites. Cryptocurrency experts may write articles for one of the several news publications that cover the crypto niche. You want your name to show up anywhere and everywhere people are reading about your profession.
- Email content – One often overlooked avenue of authority content is email. A regular newsletter or other content that you can deliver by email can establish you as an authority in your niche. The key is to be consistent and persistent.
- Books and e-books – Nothing speaks authority more than a book with your name on it. If you can write and publish a book or e-book of 300 pages, then you will be seen as an authority by virtually everyone who reads it as long as it is well-written and provides useful information. This book can be sold through online and off line book selling channels or be handed out at events like a calling card. If in digital format, it can be offered as a download on your website to help you develop a list of readers you can market your products or services to.
- White papers and special reports – White papers and special reports are smaller than e-books, but they still position you as an authority. The key is in how they are written. White papers are preferred for business-to-business audiences while special reports work wonders for business-to-consumer audiences. Both demonstrate a high-level of proficiency or knowledge regarding your profession and are written in an objective manner, much like a newspaper article or academic paper. They can be conversational, but they cover a specific topic related to your profession in an in-depth manner that makes you an authority on the subject.
- Case studies – Case studies are testimonials on steroids. They are written to demonstrate a customer’s success in using your product or service and showcase a specific use case where using your product or service was a benefit. Instead of being written from your customer’s perspective, they are written objectively so that the focus is on the success story rather than the individual or business.
These are not the only ways to achieve authority status with online content. Infographics, YouTube channels, webinars, podcasts, and other marketing channels can be just effective. Nevertheless, these seven ways of authority positioning are great ways to start. Want to learn more about authority content? Download my special report titled “14 Types of Authority Content.”
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