Ghostwriters are not created equal. Nor are lawyers. You can find good ones and incompetent ones, sometimes under the same roof. But both types of professionals are often only as good as their support staff.
Just as you’d advise someone with legal troubles to hire a lawyer because, after all, a lawyer is trained and knowledgeable on the many nuances of the navigable law that may apply to a particular case, ghostwriters can benefit your law firm for a number of reasons. Here are 6 very good reasons why your law firm would benefit from hiring a ghostwriter.
- Do what you do best, let the others do the rest. If you’re writing your blog, then you aren’t researching legal issues, interviewing witnesses, and handling your clients’ cases. Maybe your blog is being ignored while you focus on what you do best. A ghostwriter can help you brainstorm ideas for your blog before being set loose to craft the content that will pull your target customers in.
- You don’t have the time to do it yourself. That’s why you haven’t written a post in weeks. Don’t let your blog sit idle for too long. If it has achieved any search rankings, those will quickly fade away with each passing day of no activity. You don’t have to write to your blog every day for it to do its job, but you should publish new content regularly and publish content that is helpful to your audience.
- A good ghostwriter will spend time researching your topic, gathering facts, and ensuring informational accuracy. He’ll also make sure you steer clear of canned content, the same type of content every other lawyer in your niche is writing about.
- A good ghostwriter is familiar with search engine optimization, social media promotion, and crafty ways to get your articles more exposure.
- Writers specialize in saying the most with the fewest words. You’ll get more punch for your language if you let a ghostwriter handle the details. Plus, lawyers tend to speak in the language of their profession. A ghostwriter can take your professional lingo and translate it for the lay person – because he is a lay person and understands the motivation behind the questions that another non-lawyer will ask.
- Ghostwriters will clean up your grammar and make you look good. You’re probably as literate as the next guy, but you’re a busy professional who barely has time to write as it is. Don’t let your hurry turn into a sloppily written blog.
There’s no doubt you can write your own blog posts, but for every hour of writing time you save there is an hour freed up for you to work your clients’ cases. You’ll be a better lawyer and increase your opportunities to take on more cases.
Are you ready to boost your authority? Looking for ways to expand your reach and deliver the best content for your niche audience? Download my free report, “14 Types of Authority Content.” Learn the 14 types of content that will keep your audience coming back for more and instantly make you an authority they can rely on.

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